24 Soru

  • Category: Trivia Quiz
  • Year: 2012

This is a native IPhone application designed as a trivia quiz app, that gave prizes to the ones amongst the contributors. The strong side of this app was the time synchronization, and no matter what time the user had in his phone, the remaining time for the next question was always centralized with the server.

The app was first implemented before Epifanic LTD was founded, but the reason it is displayed here is to show the know how capability of us, as it was developed by our director and software developer M. Oguz Divilioglu. It was on the top ranks in Turkey's statistics when it went live, and it reached to a download of 3000 in the first week. It was also introduced in Hurriyet, one of the best selling newspapers in Turkey. (Link: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/teknoloji/20372227.asp) The Iphone app was implemented by M. Oguz Divilioglu, and the server backend was implemented by Digital Protein. It can still be shown as the demo product for our potential customers if requested.